Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Saturday 26 December 2009

Chevin Chase 2009

Dave Thompson I believe!
"T-rees a jolly good fellow!"

Saturday 19 December 2009

Sunday 22 November 2009

Abbey Dash 2009

Set out with Willie Milne at 8:15 on what had been forecast to be a windy and cold day...but found a pleasant Autumn morning waiting instead!

Great run - I could not have worked any harder and got a 2nd best ever 10K result of 47:59 - yes! that counts as 47 minutes, in the same way that my marathon time of 4hours 1 minute was over 4 hours!

Great runs from Willie, Kev Nicholson, Debbie Hoos, John and Helen Bradbury, Alec Pinto and others who I will name in an update

Anyone interested in me putting club race times up on this or another blog? (like I used to do on the old website). Post a comment if you think this would be a good idea.

Better also make a link to this blog as the link from the club website may cease to exist soon


Sunday 1 November 2009

Guy Fawkes 10

Andie, Jane and myself headed off in torrential rain on Sunday morning to Ripley to run the Guy Fawkes 10 mile race.

The wind picked up and armed with bin bags and hats we tried to stay dry before the race began at 10:30 - unsuccessfully! At one stage Andie said that she preferred being inside a portaloo to being outside!

Race eventually began at 10:40am - we had to wait for the number 22 bus to come past first!

Steady progress through the castle and narrow trails for 2 miles until the field spread out a bit and then I saw a sign for The Birstwith Brute! Now any race that actually has a name for a hill must take it seriously - 1 mile of 45 degree ascent later I could see why!

Field now well spread out and running steady with the rain now easing off slightly until we hit the next hill - nothing like the brute though!

Heading back to the finish in the castle forecourt - a welcome sight. Nice goody bag with plenty of Nestle product (race sponsors) and a decent sweatshirt.

Great race/route - better weather next time please

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Not one of my better runs...

Went out on Tuesday evening to do the Calverley - Rodley - Rawdon hills run. 7.5 miles of 3 hills which is usually a good workout and a chance to listen to a few tunes on the mp3.

Raining when I set off - not a problem I thought - done this plenty before

Got heavier - driving rain into face just as I hit the first hill.

Can't get any worse I thought...then I ran into some dogshit covered by leaves

...which then stuck to my trainer

...then my mp3 player battery ran out

Still, mustn't grumble!

Saturday 10 October 2009


Just wanted to say a big thankyou to everyone who came up to me today at the club and thanked me for what I had done

...and I'm still thinking...what HAD I done?

I will continue to write this blog as a club runner - thanks to those people who came up to me and said they liked reading it - you can post a comment if you want to and you don't have to leave a name!

It felt right today just heading out with a group and running and chatting at the finish

Now training for the Guy Fawkes 10 Miler at Ripley on 1st Nov and for the Abbey Dash at the end of November

Running feels good again!


Saturday 3 October 2009

Standing down as coach / head coach

A decision not taken lightly, but here goes as to an explanation...

Filling the shoes of someone like John Radigan was never going to be an easy job for anyone in the club. Bev did a good job when he left, but then her own personal pressures forced her to hand over to me.

At the time this happened, I was seriously considering whether or not to continue as a coach. I felt that the social running structure at the club did not really "fit" with the notion of traditional coaching - where a group turn up for a regular session and have a structured workout.

But I tried! I published a marathon training program and ran some sessions on Saturdays involving hill and fartlek training, but did not seem to inspire people to join me.

I would really like to see a juniors section at the club, and if this happens, you may see me back coaching them.

Thanks to anyone who gave me support and encouragement, and keep on running!


Thursday 1 October 2009

Getting Better All The Time

Horsforth 10k was a great run - felt strong all the way round but did not see John Bradbury coming down the home straight like an express train!

Good strong runs also by Alejandro Pinto and Helen Bradbury

49mins on my watch on a hilly course, so feel strong now for the Abbey Dash in November

Plenty of speed training over the next 2 months and a 45min 10k might be within reach

Back to being a happy runner!

Sunday 6 September 2009

Keeping it simple

Back to basics!

Training now for a couple of 10k runs, which might seem like a backwards step compared with everything going on around the club at the moment!

Surely I should be planning to run 7 marathons in 7 days in 7 different countries or something?

The truth is after my last marathon I had lost the desire to just go out and run. What used to be fun felt like a chore and it really worried me. The saving grace came when reading a Runners World article where someone had gone through a similar experience and advised stepping back in distance for a few months.

It worked! Shorter runs, Fartlek, Intervals and the smile was back!

So Horsforth 10k in September and the Abbey Dash in November are my race goals

Anyone around the club on Saturday is welcome to join a shorter quicker session and let me know if you share my goals

Has this happened to you? How do you overcome the running blues? How do you motivate yourself to run when a pizza and beer seems more attractive?

Feel free to comment here


Friday 7 August 2009

Cairngorm Running


Whilst on holiday in Aviemore, Scotland, I made contact with a fantastic running club called Cairngorm Runners. They could not do enough to accomodate me and were one of the most friendly groups of people I have ever met in my life.

They invited me along to one of their training sessions and have already linked Dragons Running club on their website

They have issued an open invitation to any Dragons Runners who are visiting the area, or on holiday, to join them for training on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. They run from Inverdruie, which is close to Aviemore.

Email any of the links - they will respond - and be sure of a great Scottish welcome!


Sunday 5 July 2009

Doing It For The Kids...

A great fun run last night at the back of the Emmott Arms.

The highlight of the evening was the fun run orgainised for children of running club members and the participation in the adult run of one young man (proudly mine!)

This highlights to me what we should be doing more of as a club - and I know Bev has already started this on Tuesday nights. We will add a Dragons Juniors section to what we do as a club - proper coaching, affiliation and events

Thanks again to everyone who came out and supported, marshalled, participated and cheered on the youngsters and the not-so-youngsters. They all appreciated it.

Just a note - this was intended to be a fun run, not an evening social event! It would have been nice to see a few of the people who just turned up at the pub actually running or at least cheering on the kids

We will be organising an official club championship in the future - Dave has agreed that we could start in the morning and have a brunch laid on. All to be consumed in sweaty running gear by everyone - make up and party frocks will not be required...

Monday 15 June 2009

Back to normal

Whatever 'normal' is...

Some people would argue that I could never be normal! It feels good not to have the pressure of the training regime for a marathon hanging over you - but then again, it got you out on nights when you just wouldn't...

Nice to get out on the Chevin again - offroad is just so risky when a marathon is on the horizon.

So, new targets? a 45 minute 10k and a 1:40 half marathon!

Watch this space, or comment if you have the same goals and want to work towards them with me

Monday 1 June 2009

Edinburgh Marathon 2009

It was hot! Not as hot as it has been in previous years, but still very, very hot!

Well done to everyone who took part

The super fit Dragons (Simon, Willie, Torri) seemed to cope better with the conditions than many of the other club runners (me included) and various heat related cramps, etc were setting in on the last 5 miles - probably put 15 minutes on a 'cool' time

Big thankyou to Liz Moyes who saw me streching out a cramped muscle and slapped me on the back with encouragement to keep going and also Iain Denby and Craig Savage who also egged me on as well.

Great support on the way from Wendy, Lorraine, John Laurie and Bev - thanks guys

Will post some piccies later

Friday 29 May 2009

Here we go...

The last post - parp, parp, paaaaarp!!!

Well...at least as far as the Edinburgh marathon goes. Not sure what is waiting for us in Edinburgh - the weather forecasts seem to be getting hotter and hotter. Never run wearing suncream before! Last 2 hours of a marathon in the midday sun. Can't say I'm looking forwards to that too much - just need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Planning to listen to a Bill Bryson audiobook for the first hour or so - rock & roll eh!

Got 8 gels on my belt and planning one every half hour so I'll let you know the result of that one

Just hope I can beat my 4 hours 1 minute from Amsterdam 2 years ago - cannot explain how much that 1 minute has bugged me and I plan to run through whatever barrier I need to to not do that again!

Having to go to the helpdesk on Sat to pick up a new race number as mine didn't arrive! What DID arrive was a return bus ticket from the finish! Oh the irony...

Seems that they could have got them out earlier, especially as the race was full yonks ago....

Anyway, onwards Dragons!

Saturday 16 May 2009

2 weeks to go....

On the taper now...thank god

Really enjoyed a 12 mile offroad run with everyone today - made a change from plodding through the miles

Aim to enjoy the next 2 weeks - short runs, cross training, rest

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Cross Training

Felt strange tonight to see runners arriving and disappearing whilst I was entrenched in a "cross training" session in the gym.

This has been the difference for me on this Runners World 14 week programme

It feels good! Less impact but the same effort during the week and more longer runs at the weekend

10k on a bike, 2000m on the rower at maximum resistance, 6 minutes on the Top XT hand bike and 40 sit ups


Saturday 2 May 2009

Socks, shoes and mp3's

Just done a 14 mile marathon pace run on a hilly course and feel pretty good about it

One long run to go - 22 miles next week then the taper and now looking forwards to Edinburgh

Why do running shoe manufacturers change a shoe? You get used to them and they bugger around with them in really subtle ways, like making them a little bit thinner at the toes, etc

Bought Asics Cumulus 10's to train in - I had used Asics Cumulus 9's to run Amsterdam 2 years ago (time 4 hrs 1 minute - damn the 1 minute!!!) and so thought they were a safe bet. Not so - they caused that irritating 3rd toe nerve rub problem that I had never had before.

So have gone back to Mizuno Wave Riders which are really good along with the Thorlo socks which I can really recommend

MP3 players - some hate them and some hate other people wearing them. It helps me to get into a groove, but I know they are antisocial and can be dangerous in traffic - just got to be more aware I guess. Just good to focus on when on a 2/3/4 hour run.

No one else is adding to the coaches blog, so I think I will turn it into my blog and be a bit more outspoken - hopefully without being annoying!

Let me know if you are following it


Wednesday 15 April 2009

Pub Crawl - Saturday 18th April

Well...not really...more of a pub run

Running from Apperley Bridage Marina @ 9am to the Bay Horse at Skipton

Pace strictly 9min/mile

Distance 20 miles

All welcome!


Saturday 4 April 2009


Any Dragons coaches wanting blog write permission, let me know!


Sunday 5th April

18 mile run from gym @ 9am

Confirmed so far:

John Laurie
Jo Wood

Friday 27 March 2009

RW Marathon Plan - Story So Far

Have been following the RW Improvers Marathon Plan - a 14 week plan

1st 4 weeks were the building endurance section - hill work and moderate distance (14 - 15 miles long runs)

Now in a recovery and adaptation week, so only running 7 miles on Sat 28th March from gym normal time

Next 3 weeks are focused on building running economy (long runs of 18 and 2 20's) with cross training and intervals in between

Good so far - but very different!


Friday 13 March 2009

Sunday Run - 15th March

Planning to run from Apperley Bridge Marina @ 10am.

Heading into Leeds & back using canal towpaths @ 9min/mile pace

Approx 16 miles


Monday 2 March 2009

Sunday 8th March - Change of start time and place

Due to unforseen circumstances, I will be running from Apperley Bridge Marina @ 1pm instead of the original plan to run from the gym at 10am

Aim is to run at 9min/mile pace for 12 miles on easy going canal paths (lower impact)



Saturday 28 February 2009

What Makes A Good Running Coach?

What makes a good Endurance Running Coach?


Be available for consultation on training plans

Be available for advice on running technique (when asked by athlete)

Be supportive and encouraging at all times

Give feedback on performance only when invited to by athlete

Respect personal space of athletes

Plan appropriate training sessions that athletes are invited to attend

Run training sessions that are athlete centred, not coach driven

Should not:

Embarrass or humiliate an athlete in private or in public

Give opinions when not invited to by athlete

Expect all athletes to perform at same level

Lead a training session that allows no input from athletes participating

UK Athletics has a clear philosophy:

An athlete centred approach in which the needs of each athlete are paramount and placed before the interests of , and pressures imposed by, the coach

An inclusive attitude in which all athletes can take part, are valued and encouraged to explore their own potential

The importance of providing a fun and safe environment

Encouraging athletes to be involved in their own development and empowered to take greater responsibility for it.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Edinburgh Marathon Training - Weekend Endurance

Hi all,

Trying a new approach to marathon training that was first suggested to me by Simon "Crazy Legs" Peck. The principle is to run for a length of time rather than a distance. It has now been endorsed by Runners World in their latest training plans. I have asked Garry to publish the full schedule on the website so I will only list the weekend sessions and runs here.

Saturday 28th Feb - I will be running a session on "Kenyan Hills". This kind of hill training is used by elite Kenyan athletes and sounds like fun! All welcome

Sun 1st March - Long Run (from gym @10am) - min 75 mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Sat 7th March - Interval training session - all welcome - gym 9:30am

Sun 8th March - Long Run @ 10am - min 90mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Sat 14th March - Kenyan Hills session gym 9:30am

Sun 15th March - Long Run @ 10am - min 115 mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Sat 21st March - Fartlek Hills Session gym 9:30am

Sun 22nd March - Long Run @ 10am - min 120 mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Start points TBC for long runs

Anyone interested? See me on the Saturdays @ gym or email me



Head Coach
Dragons Running Club

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Cross Training

Hi everyone,

Just had a couple of days skiing in Scotland

I now know that a really important part of my Edinburgh Marathon preparation is going to be away from the roads! Yes - I'm referring to that bit on a training plan that says "XT/rest"

Cross training or rest? Feet up watching telly instead of running 8 miles on a cold evening? Don't be fooled!

Any form of exercise away from running counts - skiing, circuit training, swimming, cycling all fit the bill.

My advice to all aspiring marathoners would be to get at least one cross training session in per week - building up core fitness.

Anyway, back to the telly...


Thursday 12 February 2009

Marathon Training Run - Sunday 22nd Feb

I will be publishing my full schedule of training runs for Edinburgh Marathon 2009. In the meantime, I will be running from Apperley Bridge Marina on canal tracks on the date above.

Start time 10am

The run will be 10 miles at a 9:40 pace

John Laurie (and probably Willie Milne) are already confirmed

All welcome - pace will be rigorously applied!


Welcome to Dragons Coaches Blog

Hi guys,

Thought this would be a good idea for sharing details of training sessions, coaching sessions and programmes.

Hope you all agree!

