Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Friday 29 May 2009

Here we go...

The last post - parp, parp, paaaaarp!!!

Well...at least as far as the Edinburgh marathon goes. Not sure what is waiting for us in Edinburgh - the weather forecasts seem to be getting hotter and hotter. Never run wearing suncream before! Last 2 hours of a marathon in the midday sun. Can't say I'm looking forwards to that too much - just need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Planning to listen to a Bill Bryson audiobook for the first hour or so - rock & roll eh!

Got 8 gels on my belt and planning one every half hour so I'll let you know the result of that one

Just hope I can beat my 4 hours 1 minute from Amsterdam 2 years ago - cannot explain how much that 1 minute has bugged me and I plan to run through whatever barrier I need to to not do that again!

Having to go to the helpdesk on Sat to pick up a new race number as mine didn't arrive! What DID arrive was a return bus ticket from the finish! Oh the irony...

Seems that they could have got them out earlier, especially as the race was full yonks ago....

Anyway, onwards Dragons!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Russ, 8 gels!! I managed 5 on the london and that was enough, hope you have a good run

