Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Friday 29 May 2009

Here we go...

The last post - parp, parp, paaaaarp!!!

Well...at least as far as the Edinburgh marathon goes. Not sure what is waiting for us in Edinburgh - the weather forecasts seem to be getting hotter and hotter. Never run wearing suncream before! Last 2 hours of a marathon in the midday sun. Can't say I'm looking forwards to that too much - just need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Planning to listen to a Bill Bryson audiobook for the first hour or so - rock & roll eh!

Got 8 gels on my belt and planning one every half hour so I'll let you know the result of that one

Just hope I can beat my 4 hours 1 minute from Amsterdam 2 years ago - cannot explain how much that 1 minute has bugged me and I plan to run through whatever barrier I need to to not do that again!

Having to go to the helpdesk on Sat to pick up a new race number as mine didn't arrive! What DID arrive was a return bus ticket from the finish! Oh the irony...

Seems that they could have got them out earlier, especially as the race was full yonks ago....

Anyway, onwards Dragons!

Saturday 16 May 2009

2 weeks to go....

On the taper now...thank god

Really enjoyed a 12 mile offroad run with everyone today - made a change from plodding through the miles

Aim to enjoy the next 2 weeks - short runs, cross training, rest

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Cross Training

Felt strange tonight to see runners arriving and disappearing whilst I was entrenched in a "cross training" session in the gym.

This has been the difference for me on this Runners World 14 week programme

It feels good! Less impact but the same effort during the week and more longer runs at the weekend

10k on a bike, 2000m on the rower at maximum resistance, 6 minutes on the Top XT hand bike and 40 sit ups


Saturday 2 May 2009

Socks, shoes and mp3's

Just done a 14 mile marathon pace run on a hilly course and feel pretty good about it

One long run to go - 22 miles next week then the taper and now looking forwards to Edinburgh

Why do running shoe manufacturers change a shoe? You get used to them and they bugger around with them in really subtle ways, like making them a little bit thinner at the toes, etc

Bought Asics Cumulus 10's to train in - I had used Asics Cumulus 9's to run Amsterdam 2 years ago (time 4 hrs 1 minute - damn the 1 minute!!!) and so thought they were a safe bet. Not so - they caused that irritating 3rd toe nerve rub problem that I had never had before.

So have gone back to Mizuno Wave Riders which are really good along with the Thorlo socks which I can really recommend

MP3 players - some hate them and some hate other people wearing them. It helps me to get into a groove, but I know they are antisocial and can be dangerous in traffic - just got to be more aware I guess. Just good to focus on when on a 2/3/4 hour run.

No one else is adding to the coaches blog, so I think I will turn it into my blog and be a bit more outspoken - hopefully without being annoying!

Let me know if you are following it

