Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Monday 15 June 2009

Back to normal

Whatever 'normal' is...

Some people would argue that I could never be normal! It feels good not to have the pressure of the training regime for a marathon hanging over you - but then again, it got you out on nights when you just wouldn't...

Nice to get out on the Chevin again - offroad is just so risky when a marathon is on the horizon.

So, new targets? a 45 minute 10k and a 1:40 half marathon!

Watch this space, or comment if you have the same goals and want to work towards them with me

Monday 1 June 2009

Edinburgh Marathon 2009

It was hot! Not as hot as it has been in previous years, but still very, very hot!

Well done to everyone who took part

The super fit Dragons (Simon, Willie, Torri) seemed to cope better with the conditions than many of the other club runners (me included) and various heat related cramps, etc were setting in on the last 5 miles - probably put 15 minutes on a 'cool' time

Big thankyou to Liz Moyes who saw me streching out a cramped muscle and slapped me on the back with encouragement to keep going and also Iain Denby and Craig Savage who also egged me on as well.

Great support on the way from Wendy, Lorraine, John Laurie and Bev - thanks guys

Will post some piccies later
