Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Saturday 28 February 2009

What Makes A Good Running Coach?

What makes a good Endurance Running Coach?


Be available for consultation on training plans

Be available for advice on running technique (when asked by athlete)

Be supportive and encouraging at all times

Give feedback on performance only when invited to by athlete

Respect personal space of athletes

Plan appropriate training sessions that athletes are invited to attend

Run training sessions that are athlete centred, not coach driven

Should not:

Embarrass or humiliate an athlete in private or in public

Give opinions when not invited to by athlete

Expect all athletes to perform at same level

Lead a training session that allows no input from athletes participating

UK Athletics has a clear philosophy:

An athlete centred approach in which the needs of each athlete are paramount and placed before the interests of , and pressures imposed by, the coach

An inclusive attitude in which all athletes can take part, are valued and encouraged to explore their own potential

The importance of providing a fun and safe environment

Encouraging athletes to be involved in their own development and empowered to take greater responsibility for it.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Edinburgh Marathon Training - Weekend Endurance

Hi all,

Trying a new approach to marathon training that was first suggested to me by Simon "Crazy Legs" Peck. The principle is to run for a length of time rather than a distance. It has now been endorsed by Runners World in their latest training plans. I have asked Garry to publish the full schedule on the website so I will only list the weekend sessions and runs here.

Saturday 28th Feb - I will be running a session on "Kenyan Hills". This kind of hill training is used by elite Kenyan athletes and sounds like fun! All welcome

Sun 1st March - Long Run (from gym @10am) - min 75 mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Sat 7th March - Interval training session - all welcome - gym 9:30am

Sun 8th March - Long Run @ 10am - min 90mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Sat 14th March - Kenyan Hills session gym 9:30am

Sun 15th March - Long Run @ 10am - min 115 mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Sat 21st March - Fartlek Hills Session gym 9:30am

Sun 22nd March - Long Run @ 10am - min 120 mins "on feet" - 9 min/mile pace

Start points TBC for long runs

Anyone interested? See me on the Saturdays @ gym or email me



Head Coach
Dragons Running Club

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Cross Training

Hi everyone,

Just had a couple of days skiing in Scotland

I now know that a really important part of my Edinburgh Marathon preparation is going to be away from the roads! Yes - I'm referring to that bit on a training plan that says "XT/rest"

Cross training or rest? Feet up watching telly instead of running 8 miles on a cold evening? Don't be fooled!

Any form of exercise away from running counts - skiing, circuit training, swimming, cycling all fit the bill.

My advice to all aspiring marathoners would be to get at least one cross training session in per week - building up core fitness.

Anyway, back to the telly...


Thursday 12 February 2009

Marathon Training Run - Sunday 22nd Feb

I will be publishing my full schedule of training runs for Edinburgh Marathon 2009. In the meantime, I will be running from Apperley Bridge Marina on canal tracks on the date above.

Start time 10am

The run will be 10 miles at a 9:40 pace

John Laurie (and probably Willie Milne) are already confirmed

All welcome - pace will be rigorously applied!


Welcome to Dragons Coaches Blog

Hi guys,

Thought this would be a good idea for sharing details of training sessions, coaching sessions and programmes.

Hope you all agree!

