Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Sunday 22 November 2009

Abbey Dash 2009

Set out with Willie Milne at 8:15 on what had been forecast to be a windy and cold day...but found a pleasant Autumn morning waiting instead!

Great run - I could not have worked any harder and got a 2nd best ever 10K result of 47:59 - yes! that counts as 47 minutes, in the same way that my marathon time of 4hours 1 minute was over 4 hours!

Great runs from Willie, Kev Nicholson, Debbie Hoos, John and Helen Bradbury, Alec Pinto and others who I will name in an update

Anyone interested in me putting club race times up on this or another blog? (like I used to do on the old website). Post a comment if you think this would be a good idea.

Better also make a link to this blog as the link from the club website may cease to exist soon


Sunday 1 November 2009

Guy Fawkes 10

Andie, Jane and myself headed off in torrential rain on Sunday morning to Ripley to run the Guy Fawkes 10 mile race.

The wind picked up and armed with bin bags and hats we tried to stay dry before the race began at 10:30 - unsuccessfully! At one stage Andie said that she preferred being inside a portaloo to being outside!

Race eventually began at 10:40am - we had to wait for the number 22 bus to come past first!

Steady progress through the castle and narrow trails for 2 miles until the field spread out a bit and then I saw a sign for The Birstwith Brute! Now any race that actually has a name for a hill must take it seriously - 1 mile of 45 degree ascent later I could see why!

Field now well spread out and running steady with the rain now easing off slightly until we hit the next hill - nothing like the brute though!

Heading back to the finish in the castle forecourt - a welcome sight. Nice goody bag with plenty of Nestle product (race sponsors) and a decent sweatshirt.

Great race/route - better weather next time please
