Observations, Personal experiences and interesting links from Dragons runner Russ Hartley

Sunday 6 September 2009

Keeping it simple

Back to basics!

Training now for a couple of 10k runs, which might seem like a backwards step compared with everything going on around the club at the moment!

Surely I should be planning to run 7 marathons in 7 days in 7 different countries or something?

The truth is after my last marathon I had lost the desire to just go out and run. What used to be fun felt like a chore and it really worried me. The saving grace came when reading a Runners World article where someone had gone through a similar experience and advised stepping back in distance for a few months.

It worked! Shorter runs, Fartlek, Intervals and the smile was back!

So Horsforth 10k in September and the Abbey Dash in November are my race goals

Anyone around the club on Saturday is welcome to join a shorter quicker session and let me know if you share my goals

Has this happened to you? How do you overcome the running blues? How do you motivate yourself to run when a pizza and beer seems more attractive?

Feel free to comment here

